Repurchase Agreement Francais

There are three main constructions of the pension: classic repurchase agreement, buy-and-sell-back and securities lending, the model is similar in all three cases. Warning: The words in the vocabulary list are only available through this Internet browser. From the moment this list is copied to your vocabulary trainer, it is available from anywhere. If the seller defaults and does not repay the liquidity, the buyer (investor) can keep the securities. For the liquidity borrower, the advantage is to use an investment in his portfolio to obtain funds at a lower interest rate or simply to be able to borrow. Common short expressions: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, The higher the loan of the seller of securities (= borrower of money) in the eyes of his counterparty and the closer M1 can be to the VM market value of the securities. On the other hand, the application of a significant discount (the ratio (VM – M1) / VM) aims to limit the credit risk borne by the lender of the money. By limiting the refinancing capacity of the institution selling the securities, it will also reduce the importance of the risks it can take in the financial markets. From the seller`s point of view, we are talking about repo: sale followed by redemption, from the buyer`s point of view, we are talking about reverse repo: purchase followed by resale.

This transaction constitutes a repurchase agreement for securities by the cash lender and a repurchase agreement for securities by the securities lender. The more a title is requested, the lower the repository it processes. Sometimes it can even be negative interest rates, for securities that are sometimes rare. The profit of securities lenders results from the replacement of money received as collateral at money market rates. Securities are the subject of a precise investigation concerning the category (treasury bill, public sector, etc.) Term and/or issuer. Because issuers are safer, returns for investors in some reverse repurchase agreements are theoretically higher than in bulk repurchase agreements. Some rest periods are closed indefinitely or for a specified period, which may be tacitly extended. One party may terminate it by notifying the other with originally agreed notice (usually 24 or 48 hours).

In this case, the repo rate is generally set in relation to the variable rate of the overnight (e.B. EONIA -0.25%). Do you want to add words, phrases or translations? by a transfer of ownership, which legally takes the form of a pension contract; Or in this market segment, there is a virtual reversal of traditional roles in the mass market: investment banks usually try to borrow securities to ensure timely coverage of their positions, ahead of the structural owners of investment portfolios, i.e. insurers and collecting societies. According to ISMA, the International Securities Market Association, the stock of living remains exceeded $8 trillion at the end of 2004, mainly in the very short term (less than three months). About 45% were denominated in dollars and only a little less in euros. Custody (or custody on behalf of the customer) The so-called specific market represents a small part of the volumes, but a significant part of the overall margins generated by the repo. The legal framework is generally the same, although there has been a standard securities credit agreement in France since the mid-1990s that has never really managed to impose itself. Search results: 119. Correct: 119. Elapsed time: 143 ms. “Repo is the transaction by which a legal person, investment fund or special account fund transfers full ownership to another legal person, special fund or special debt fund at an agreed price, securities or instruments (determined by law) and each irrevocably assumed by the assignor and assignor, the first includes securities, securities or bills of exchange, the second retroactively at an agreed price and date.

“- Art. 12-1 of Law No. 93-1444 of 31 December 1993. A broker or speculator sends instructions to a third party that characterize a set of previously accepted agreements on the terms of a repurchase agreement between that broker and an investor. The use of small haircuts on some hedge funds by major US and European investment banks for reasons of commercial competition in the 1990s indirectly led to a serious crisis in the international financial system in the summer of 1998. The Long-Term Capital Management Fund had thus been able to build and refinance gigantic positions in the interest rate markets, equivalent to the dozens of dozens of funds it managed, the liquidation of which required the active intervention of central banks. Redemption date, date on which the buyer must return equivalent assets to the seller as part of a transaction under a repurchase agreement If you have reference books or articles, or if you know of high-quality websites dealing with the subject here, please complete the article by providing references useful for its verifiability and using the “Notes and References” section The link has transferred the ownership of the lender`s securities to the borrower`s borrower through reverse repurchase agreement. In particular, coupons that fall during repurchase agreements remain the property of the borrower of the securities and should therefore be taken into account in the calculation of transaction flows.

The temporary assignment of securities or receivables is accompanied by an effective transfer of ownership. Check out this article on the Barbican Consulting website. The latest report by the icMA (International Capital Market Association) resulting from the merger of ISMA and the International Primary Market Association[2] in July 2005 estimates the outstanding European repo market at €7,761 billion in June 2019[3]. In order to ensure the greatest possible security of transactions, and in addition to the discount that can be applied, securities are generally regularly revalued, and cash margin calls allow the actual amount lent to be adjusted according to market fluctuations. It is essentially the disguise in legal form of two operations in the opposite direction and staggered over time (a transfer of money followed by a redemption at the end of the operation), the refinancing of negotiable financial assets (bonds, BTAN, certificates of deposit, shares …) at an interest rate negotiated between the two parties, the lender of the securities and the lender of the cash[1]. So: There are actually two different segments of the repo market, although they are usually transferred to the same teams: For tax reasons, in some countries a variant called Sell and Buyback is sometimes used, that is, the sale with redemption, which is completely concluded by two spot transactions, for which there is also an ISMA framework agreement. In the euro area, repurchase agreement in 1999 very quickly replaced the old national legal forms of securities refinancing and follows the framework agreement developed by ISMA almost everywhere. .

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